The CSA Food Project

The CSA Food Project

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Share Pick-Up Instructions

CSA share pick-up starts this Monday night - May 11 - between 5:30-7:30pm at Shaare Torah Synagogue [1409 Main St, Gaithersburg] in the hallway of the first floor.

Your share will be pre-packaged in a recyclable cardboard box. These boxes need to be returned so they can be re-used by our Farmer to distribute our shares throughout the season.

We request that you bring bags with you to transfer your share to carry home and leave your box at pick-up.

If you need to bring your share home in the box, you MUST REMEMBER to return it the next week.

Each Monday night, a CSA volunteer will help record and distribute the shares.

SHARING - The boxes are NOT divided if you are splitting a share.


CSA Food Project - A Experiment in Sustainable Eating   © 2008. Template Recipes by Emporium Digital


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