The CSA Food Project

The CSA Food Project

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

First CSA Member Event

**As of 7:30am (7/22), we received 12 rsvp's right away! Would be happy to take a couple of stand-by names. Just rsvp to the "stand-by" list on the Evite.

Clearly, there is interest in this event, so we will begin planning for another. Please let us know if you are interested in hosting or have any other event ideas.

CSA Tasting and Cooking Demo with Chef Mike

Join us for an intimate evening designed to explore, teach, and highlight our CSA bounty. This is a cooking demo and tasting menu, not a full meal. Limited seating event (max 12) with plans to repeat.

No cost, but we will ask you to bring a drink or dessert to share.

Our vegetarian menu (subject to harvest or whims of the weather):
Watermelon and Cucumber Tonic
Tropical Salsa with chips
Beet Carpaccio
Napa Asian Salad
No Cook Summer Sauce with Whole Wheat Pasta

Email if you have not received the Evite...or need a re-send.


CSA Food Project - A Experiment in Sustainable Eating   © 2008. Template Recipes by Emporium Digital


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