The CSA Food Project

The CSA Food Project

Monday, July 6, 2009

Eight Weeks In ... How You Doing?

So we are eight weeks into this CSA with a diverse range of veggies already. I suspect for some, you are eating more veggies now than ever before - and oddly enough they taste great and you are enjoying it!

While mother nature is throwing a few curve balls to the farmers, we are still getting great stuff. As I heard from many of you, it is stuff that you would not normally purchase or stuff that you did not know you liked! Good for you!

It was equally great hearing about all of your adventures in the kitchen with these new ingredients. I was very impressed with your cooking creativity. Nothing is better than getting picky eaters to successfully explore new foods or discovering that you actually liked something that you originally thought you didn't.

As you achieve these successes with your cooking or with your eaters, I ask that you take a few moments to share comments on recipes (used/modified) with rest of our CSA family. Your feedback is fuel to my fire to find new and interesting recipes for upcoming ingredients.

Bon Appetite ... Chef Mike


CSA Food Project - A Experiment in Sustainable Eating   © 2008. Template Recipes by Emporium Digital


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