Summer Potion # 9 - Herbal Sun Tea
One non-alcoholic beverage that I love in the summer is iced tea. I am a true Northerner in that I like my tea unsweetened....the brisker the better.
Nothing against you Southerners with your sweet tea. I just like to taste my tea without an overwhelming wave of sweet!
This is a very direct recipe calling for a tea source, an aromatic/flavor enhancer and a sweetener. Recipe should yield about two quarts of tea.
All items in this recipe can be purchased at the local grocer. A few notes:
- You will find cheesecloth most likely in the baking or cooking utensils section
- While agave syrup is not necessary, if you choose to purchase it will most likely be with other sweeteners
- The Rooibos tea can be purchased where bulk teas are sold or if you need to you can cut open a few Rooibos tea bags from boxed tea - also sold at your local grocer with boxed teas
- 2 quarts cold water
- 2 tbsp loose Rooibos tea
- 2 tbsp dried mint
- Agave syrup, honey, sugar or Splenda
- Place tea and on a square piece of cheesecloth
- Tie the cheese cloth into a bundle and tie off with kitchen twine
- Place tea bundle in a large glass container and add water
- Cover and allow tea to steep in direct sunlight for 2 hours or more
- When fully steeped, strain tea and discard solids
- Stir in sweetener of choice until fully dissolved - sweeten to taste
- Serve tea immediately after sweetening or refrigerate up to 3 days