The CSA Food Project

The CSA Food Project

Monday, November 16, 2009

My New Favorite Book - Ratio: The Simple Codes Behind the Craft of Everyday Cooking

Ever since Michael Ruhlman first mentioned this concept of RATIOS in the Soul of a Chef - I have been all over this idea. As he started pondering this book on his blog years ago, I've been eagerly anticipating its arrival of this publication and I have not disappointed.

This is not a cookbook -- indeed, it is an anti-cookbook. Those expecting complex recipes, or the "best" way to make something, will be dissatisfied.

This is a manual for real cooks who want to understand the fundamental underpinnings of what makes food …“FOOD”… in order to play, tweak, and personalize their methods in infinite variations.

It's a book for culinary explorers who don't wish to be, pardon the pun, spoon-fed.
Recipes certainly have their place and can be useful. However, for many only using recipes puts you into a position of not ever learning anything and falling continuously into the "I can't cook" mantra.

Learning the ratios and the ideas behind them will leave you feeling that not only that you might be able to accomplish something … but gave you an understanding and appreciation for why people might enjoy cooking.

Before you say it’s not for me, there are basically two pages of core ratios that can me mixed and matched in dozens upon dozens of ways. Once you got the base ratio you are free to experiment. Once you understand the ratios – say goodbye to the recipes – you won’t need them!

I would say that this book makes an excellent gift for anyone that is truly loves the art of cooking!


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